Affiliated Therapists of Los Gatos
800 Pollard Rd, suite B201
Los Gatos, CA 95032
It is a second floor office but there is an elevator available.
Please come inside, push the call button next to my name and make yourself comfortable until I come get you.
MON 11am-8pm
FRI 11am-8pm
Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Body Work
California Board Certification #67792
Current Hours
MON 11:00am-7pm (Los Gatos )
TUE closed
WED 10:30am-7:00 (Santa Cruz)
THU 8:30am-7pm (Santa Cruz)
FRI 10:30am-12:00 pm (Santa Cruz)
FRI 1pm-7pm (Los Gatos).
SAT 12pm-5pm (Santa Cruz).
SUN closed
Affiliated Therapists of Los Gatos
800 Pollard Rd.
Suite B201
Los Gatos, CA 95032
DISCLAIMER: Suggestions, observations or recommendations made by Shawna Ristic
do not replace the advice, diagnosis or opinion of a licensed healthcare provider.
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