If you suffer from stiffness and rigidity or shooting pain due to a restricted nervous system, you know just how tiring day-to-day living can be. Get your energy back and relieve painful symptoms with neural mobilization.
Neural mobilization frees restrictions on the nervous system, allowing the brain to properly read the body and respond more appropriately to its needs.
The nervous system is the interface between the energetic body and the physical body. It is where energy comes into form. The nerves are the hardwiring in the physical body that allow higher levels of awareness to communicate with denser levels of manifestation.
Neural mobilization is gentle and noninvasive. Light touch and melding hands create a safe container for your nervous system to unwind.
Useful for pinched nerves
The nervous system is closely connected to subtle layers of awareness, the emotional body and also to the inflammation response. Therefore, as a part of your treatment, I may suggest other services including Intuitive Healing and Lymphatic Drainage to further eliminate your most painful symptoms.
This treatment typically consists of two appointments:
2) CranioSacral Therapy (no less than two weeks later)
Resolve old issues and move forward in your life with grace and ease.
Live Life Consciously.
Schedule two appointments:
1) Neural Mobilization
2) Craniosacral Therapy (2 weeks later)
Current Hours
MON 11:00am-7pm (Los Gatos )
TUE closed
WED 10:30am-7:00 (Santa Cruz)
THU 8:30am-7pm (Santa Cruz)
FRI 10:30am-12:00 pm (Santa Cruz)
FRI 1pm-7pm (Los Gatos).
SAT 12pm-5pm (Santa Cruz).
SUN closed
Affiliated Therapists of Los Gatos
800 Pollard Rd.
Suite B201
Los Gatos, CA 95032
DISCLAIMER: Suggestions, observations or recommendations made by Shawna Ristic
do not replace the advice, diagnosis or opinion of a licensed healthcare provider.
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